Real fuckin neato
Real fuckin neato

real fuckin neato

A Smoke Em' Out Struggle (Garcello) Neo version was being worked on.This also goes for the rest of Monster's gang (Tankman, Fever and Whitty) As of the 3.0 update, Skid and Pump have been confirmed to be egotistical rappers, and Pico is indeed hiding from the law, as evidenced by a wanted poster of him.These old dialogues confirm that Pico might be running from the police, Skid and Pump are young musicians or DJs, and the location is apparently called "Neo City" where people's music is everyone's opinion on that person.


Hidden in the files are the old dialogues and sprites for the Tutorial plus Weeks 1-4 (although there is nothing for South, High and M.I.L.F.), (assets/data/tutorial-satin-panties) (see below).FNF: Neo is currently the 9th most downloaded mod, with over 875.7k downloads (as of November 11, 2021).There is a song called Trick or Treat left in the files, though it is just Tutorial without the instrumental.


The 3.0 update was planned to be released on Saturday, August 21st 2021, EDT, but was delayed to finish working on new features and mechanics.In the 3.0 update trailer, the alley wall has the same graffiti markings of Whitty's face as the Whitmore trailer did before it was cancelled.There was a staff/scythe like weapon in the alleyway of the first 3.0 trailer, referencing Zardy.Health draining still occurs even when Neo Monster is not singing. During Illusion and Hallucination, Neo Monster slowly drains your health over time whenever he sings.


Although since Whitty is now allowed back in mods he might return. Neo Tabi is replacing Whitty in the new update. They get mad whenever lose more than once, as shown in Week 2. They are both shown to be rude angry and egotistical, unlike the original who are happy, childish, and friendly. Unlike their original counterparts, Neo Skid and Pump are a duo of rappers, as shown in the beginning of Week 2. Not much has changed for Pump rather instead having 4 small black wings on his back. Skid has x's and crosses on his eyes and on his head. Their corrupted forms possess black and red skin. Pump also appear to have his square tooth back. Both of them also sport prominent angry eyebrows. Pump now wears grey gloves, a purple vest with white sleeves over a black undershirt, black pants and black shoes with aqua green laces. Skid now wears a dark grey-and-seafoam green hoodie with a pink rectangle on the front and fingerless gloves, as well as black shoes with purple laces. Skid's eyes are purple, while Pump's eyes are now aqua green, matching the other's costumes. The bones on Skid's costume are now aqua green, while Pump's pumpkin head mask is now purple with the "stem" of it being aqua green, and his gloves are greyer. “ AHEM! We still need to give the audience a performance, they came here for a reason! To hear us play! ”

  • Girlfriend's favorite type of flowers are Azaleas.
  • It also has a chain and wears black sneakers with magenta soles and shoelaces. Her hair is now pink and cyan and wears a sweater with a magenta collar and cyan sleeves with the shirt part being black. In her upcoming 4.0 design, her hair is tied up in a ponytail with a large magenta bow rather than let down and sports a purple earpiece. Her stockings are now shorter, barely reaching her knees, and each have a stripe on them (Neon blue for the right stocking, neon pink for the left stocking). In her 3.0 redesign, she wears a magenta top with a zipper and grey pants instead of a dress, purple gloves and shoes and her hair now has some pink streaks on it, as well as neon blue and pink hair clips. The speakers she sits on now have a more futuristic design, with pink and blue glows coming from them. Her hair is now black, and she wears a magenta dress with dark grey stockings and red heels. Neo Girlfriend looks like regular Girlfriend with a few differences. “ Whoever we're going against I'm sure you'll destroy them, babe.

    Real fuckin neato